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Vision, Mission and Values

The RCIPS as an organization is dedicated to a vision of making the Cayman Islands safer.  For the RCIPS this means that each and every person who lives, visits or works on these islands can go about their lives and the contributions that they are making to our society while feeling secure from physical, mental or financial harm or the threat of such harm. It means increasing the safety of our communities in all aspects, while also reducing both the incidence and the fear of crime. It is a vision of safety for the islands that is both resilient and enduring.

Making such a vision reality requires a modern and progressive 21st century police service working in a close and sustained partnership with the community.  The mission of our organization, therefore, or the way we plan to achieve our vision of making the Cayman Islands safer, is by working with our communities and working for our communities.  The values guiding us as we seek to deliver this vision are Respect, Courtesy, Integrity, Professionalism and Service (RCIPS), which require the commitment of each and every officer and civilian staff member of the RCIPS to public safety and victim care first and foremost.

Thus, becoming the service and building the relationships that can execute our mission and achieve our vision, while holding fast to our values, is the objective of all the actions that we take every day at the the RCIPS, whether on the frontline or in management. This broad objective is broken down from a corporate perspective into three main strategic goals, which are: Securing the Cayman Islands, Ensuring Safe Communities and Delivering a Professional Service. These goals set the direction for corporate plans, training and other activities.

Any progress toward meeting our strategic goals, mission and vision as a police service must always be evaluated in terms of the alignment of this progress with RCIPS values.  The RCIPS Code of Conduct is underpinned by these values, and guides officers in the observation of these values in practice and on duty.


R.C.I.P.S. – Our Values Defined

Respect  –   We will respect the rights of all persons regardless of sex, race, colour, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, association with a national minority, age, mental or physical disability, property, birth, or other status.

Courtesy  –   We will be courteous in all our actions, whilst remaining resolute.

Integrity  –   We will act lawfully, ethically, firmly, fairly and with accountability.

Professionalism  –   We will maintain the highest standards of professionalism.

Service  –   We will work in partnership with our stakeholders to meet and exceed the expectations of our communities.