Crime Prevention Tips: Securing your Vehicle
1. Keep your vehicle locked at all times.
2. When parked, never leave your keys in the car. Close all the windows and the sunroof.
3. Never leave your car running and unattended.
4. Avoid leaving valuables inside your vehicle where passersby can see them.
5. Install alarm systems with noise and add the security company sticker to your vehicle. The visibility of security system on you vehicle may deter criminals from attempting to break in.
6. Be particularly cautious at night about where you park your car. Park it in a well-lit area if possible. Thieves prefer to work in the dark.
7. Look around. Be aware of your surroundings, especially in garages, parking lots and gas stations. Pay attention to suspicious behaviour and persons who stand out, like someone wearing a hoodie in inappropriate weather conditions.
8. On an incline, leave your car in park or in gear with the wheels turned toward the curb or some other obstruction. This makes it harder for thieves to tow your vehicle.
9. Use impact resistant film over your windows and windscreens to prevent smashing.
Most vehicle break-ins and car thefts can be attributed to crimes of opportunity. The above are just a few simple steps you can take to make your vehicle a less promising target and thus lessen the chances of it being broken into or stolen.