Investigations continue into the death of a man, who was found unresponsive at the rear of a commercial premises on Middle Road, George Town, on 31 December, 2024. Recent inquiries now suggest that this incident is a suspicious death.
A range of units within the RCIPS pursue investigations into serious crimes, which includes all offences likely to be heard by the Grand Court. The variety of the types of crimes investigated, as well as the specialties and expertise required to do so, necessitates the grouping of detectives with these skills into different units, each overseen by a Detective Inspector who reports to the Detective Superintendent. These Units include the general Criminal Investigations Department (CID), Financial Crimes Investigation Unit, Family Support Unit/Child Safeguarding Investigations Unit (within the MASH), and Drugs and Serious Crime Task Force. Detectives across all of these Units work closely with Crown Counsel at the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions to develop evidence within cases, secure charges, and ultimately bring matters before the Court.
The Joint Intelligence Unit and any and all intelligence activity also fall within the remit of the Detective Superintendent.
Investigations continue into the death of a man, who was found unresponsive at the rear of a commercial premises on Middle Road, George Town, on 31 December, 2024. Recent inquiries now suggest that this incident is a suspicious death.
A man has been arrested and charged following a report of a serious indecent assault which had taken place at a shopping plaza on West Bay Road, north of Snooze Lane. It was reported that a man had raped a woman in his vehicle, which was parked at the location.