The OCP (RCIPS & CICG) supports the CIG in its commitment to upholding high ethical, moral and legal standards. All members of staff are expected to share in this commitment. Accordingly, we all have a responsibility to conduct ourselves in a professional, courteous and respectful manner, always being mindful of our behaviours and how they can affect, or be perceived to affect those around us.
The purpose of the Anti-Bullying, Harassment & Discrimination policy is to:
- Define and provide examples of bullying, harassment and discrimination;
- Reinforce appropriate behaviours expected within in the workplace;
- Outline the responsibilities of employees, managers and supervisors, Human Resources (HR) and other individuals where BH&D is alleged or suspected; and
- Provide a framework and guidance for employees to aid in identifying, handling, reporting and resolving alleged occurrences of BH&D in the workplace.