Around 10:10PM, Tuesday 17 December, police responded to a report of a MVA involving three vehicles, a white Honda Civic, a white Mazda Verisa, and a blue Honda Accord, on Bodden Town Road in the vicinity of Midland Acres.
The occupants of all three vehicles, including two women, a man and a child were taken to George Town Hospital for treatment of serious but non-life threatening injuries.
Two of the drivers, a 29-year-old woman of George Town and a 40-year-old man of North Side, were arrested on suspicion of DUI. The third driver has since been discharged from the hospital. Initial investigations suggest that the driver of the Honda Civic was racing another vehicle when the collision occurred.
“Having only just commenced Operation Winter Guardian on Monday 16 December, this incident is disheartening to see”, says Superintendent Richard Barrow, who overseas Eastern Districts/Sister Islands. “An innocent child who was travelling in one of the vehicles is amongst those that received serious injuries due to the inconsiderate and reckless driving behavior of motorists. Early investigations suggest that speed and likely alcohol, combined with racing were factors that led to this collision. In other words, this incident was completely avoidable. Instead of looking forward to Christmas, this child now has to deal with the trauma both mental and physical of being a victim of a serious road collision”.
The collision is currently under investigation by the Traffic & Roads Policing Unit and officers are seeking to speak with anyone who may have witnessed the collision to call 649-6254 or the Bodden Town Police Station on 947-2220
Anonymous tips can be provided directly to the RCIPS via our Confidential Tip Line at 949-7777, or via our website.
Tips can also be submitted anonymously via the Cayman Crime Stoppers website or by downloading the Cayman Crime Stoppers app.